I spent the first two weeks of summer on a loooong road trip with my Mom and the kids! Here are a few pictures that show off our adventure.
James and Makenna at the Reno "zoo"
Our first stop was in Reno. James fell asleep with Lucy!
Then we drove to Salt Lake City Utah, the big hit of the trip was playing basketball with the big boys. Makenna is good!
Lots of cousins on moms side were visiting at the same time.
Visiting Aunt Maureen and Uncle Tracy. Aunt Maureen let them make cupcakes!!
Loving the trampoline with Cousin Melanie!
Visiting the Utah Zoo (this one was a legitimate zoo). James loved the dinousaur exhibit.
Visiting Grandpa Les and his bulldogs!
The favorite thing about Grandmas house was all of the creepy cirtters.
Spending time with Grandma Joan
This was our looooong drive home
We stopped to visit the salt flats. James kept saying "just give me some tomatoes and let me dip them in that salt!" He learned that the salt in the salt flats wasn't ready to eat yet!
Back in Reno eating In-N-Out Burger
Swimming in the hot tub back in Medford.
The trip ended here in Salem where James got a hair cut by a read "professional"!