Friday, April 20, 2012

1 Month Old!!!

Parker turned one month old on Sunday! I have no idea where the month went and how he got so big!!! His big milestones for this month are starting to smile, getting a very strong neck and enjoying his tummy time and bath time :)

We spent Saturday night over at the coast with Andy's parents. Parker slept the entire time we walked the beach.  

The hotel we stayed at had a warm swimming pool and Parker LOVED the water!!! We had no swim diaper or swim trunks but we made it work for the 5 minutes that he was in the water. 

He was fussy all day for the first time on Sunday and Monday. When we went to lactation group on Tuesday we talked with a nurse and found out that he has an infection in his mouth called Thrush. The medicine turns his mouth purple! His treatment is done tomorrow but we also have to treat me so that we don't keep passing it back to each other. My treatment will be done in a week and we have to sterilize everything for the next week. It's a lot more work and we will be glad when everything is back to normal!

Friday, April 13, 2012

4 weeks old!

Happy Easter everyone! Easter was Parker's first Sunday in church. You can see how happy he was to go :) We are very thankful that our church has a wonderful mommy room where you can still see and hear everything in the sermon. Parker slept through the service but had a very noisy sleep so we spent most of the time in that room! Doesn't he look cute all dressed up?

We love our bath times now! He started his last bath by peeing in the water and ended it with spitting up in the water. What a boy! 

This is what we look like when Daddy gets us dressed in the morning!

We had beautiful weather this week and somehow Daddy convinced us to go golfing with him. Parker slept almost the entire time in his moby. 

The first of many times golfing with Dad!

We are trying to get into the habit of reading to him every night. This book was a little long but he enjoyed the first few pages!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Week 3

We are settling into some routines now and starting to figure out what kind of schedule Parker likes for his day! Right now our days are filled with sleeping and feedings with a few lactation appointments and doctors appointments mixed in.

Parker slept through his first shopping trip to the outlet mall

One of our many naps during the day

We held off for three weeks but Parker finally got his pacifier or "plug" as we call it. We are trying not to use it much but it sure does help during diaper changes and late at night!

On Sunday we went for our first walk. It wouldn't be a walk in Oregon without a little bit of rain!

Parker started out sleeping in a co-sleeper in the middle of our bed but we are working on slowly transitioning him into a pack-n-play bassinet that is right next to our bed. Ashley introduced us to swaddlers and they are a huge help in getting him to sleep!

Ready to watch opening day baseball with Daddy! We can't believe that he has already lost his newborn look and is so big already! At a check up yesterday he was already 8 pounds 6 ounces.

Week 1 and 2

Our first two weeks were filled with lots of visitors! 

Uncle Robby


Grandma Anita

Grandma Anita and Grandpa Kevin

Aunt Karyn

Uncle Kyle



Uncle James

 Grandpa Tom and Grandma Tammy


Auntie Makenna

Auntie TeriAnn and Cousin Karly

Uncle Jesse

Parker Thomas Lynch

Before to long passes I wanted to make sure to sit down and write a little bit about Parker's birth. On Monday, March 12th we had our 38 week check up. Andy and I both were running late and rushed straight to the appointment from work. We were shocked to hear our doctor say that she wanted to send us straight to the hospital to have blood work done and my blood pressure monitored. While we were at the hospital my blood pressure went back down to normal and we were sent home but I was told not to go back to work and be on "bed rest". When we went back to the doctors on Wednesday my blood pressure was high again and Dr. Morgan decided it was time to induce me the next morning.

Here is a picture of me right before we left for the hospital at 7am on March 15th. The doctor started pitocin  within the hour of our check in time and then it was a long time of waiting! I think the hardest part for Andy was sitting around the hospital room with very little going on :) We had a wonderful nurse named Rose who was with us all the way up until the delivery. She had the hardest time tracking Parker's heart rate because he was constantly moving! We had made very little progress by early afternoon but my contractions were bad enough that I was ready for the epidural. Why anyone would choose to go through labor with medication is crazy to me! After the epidural I was relaxed enough to take a nap and relaxed enough to start dilating at a much faster rate! Before the epidural I was around 2 centimeters and from 4pm to 7pm I went from 4 to 9 centimeters! Right after 7 we started pushing and 2 hours later at 9:09 pm Parker was born!

Everyone was expecting me to have a big baby but he was only 7 pounds 7 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. The doctor was shocked at how much fluid was surrounding him. I'm sure that is why my stomach was so big! Here is our first family picture!

Up until the very last pushes he was turned sideways and it caused him to have lots of bruising all over his face and head. 

Daddy holding Parker for the first time!

Grandma Anita, Grandpa Kevin and Grandma Tammy were all in the waiting room anxious to meet the baby. Grandpa Tom, Aunt TeriAnn and Uncle Jesse were all waiting for constant updates and phone calls!

Grandma Tammy holding Parker for the first time. 

Parker in his carseat for the first time and ready to go home. He screamed all the way down the elevator and then fell asleep. He has enjoyed his carseat ever since then.

When we left the hospital on Saturday Parker was only down about 6 percent in weight but his jaundice levels were right on the fence of being to high. The pediatrician had us come in for a check up on Sunday and he was now down 10 percent and his jaundice levels were way to high. We were admitted back to the hospital for Parker to spend a night under phototherapy lights. The worst part of being under the lights was not being able to hold him or comfort him but the lights worked and his jaundice levels quickly went back down. We were back home again on Monday morning and have been putting on weight since then : )

That was Parker's birth story! Just a few road bumps but we feel extremely blessed to now have a healthy baby and to watch him grow more and more each day.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Parker's Nursery

It took me weeks after the nursery was finished but many people were asking to see pictures of how it turned out so here they are! Putting together a nursery is a lot more hard work (and money!) than I ever thought it would be. Many of my "ideas" did not turn out or transformed into something completely different by the time they were done. Thankfully we are very happy with the finished product and love taking care of sweet baby Parker in his room! 

The room is a lot smaller with all this furniture than it was with just a desk! 

Possibly the least expensive thing in the room and one of my favorites! 

Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Wallace for making this beautiful name art for above his bed!

I had an idea for this collage long before we started the room and started collecting fabrics for it months in advance. When I finally got around to putting it together I realized that all of the fabrics I had were polka-dots! I was ok with another trip to the craft store to make sure it was a little more well balanced :) Auntie TeriAnn also added some pieces to his collage!